Why Using Story in Marketing Unlocks Deeper Relationships and Revenue

I just finished up recording a series of podcasts for Season 5 of my podcast — and I remember why I love creating content so very much.
Not to be dramatic — but STORY is it. And every time I dive more into telling better stories…sales pour in. I want this for you!
So, I have a question for you today:
When you sit down to write a blog post or record a video, or craft a newsletter, do you ever wonder:
“…what can I say that hasn’t been said already?”
You know there are bunches of people out there who are doing the same kind of coaching and consulting as you are….
And you begin to wonder…how can I create absolute 🔥content –
- that moves my people to action?
- that elicits a response in my audience?
- that reaches the hearts and minds of my community?
You can–WHEN you truly understand how to leverage the power of story in your business communications.
What if you could create captivating content for your business that landed clients, positioned you as an expert, and turned your community into raving fans?
You can–WHEN you craft story-based messaging that does 90% of the heavy lifting for you in marketing and sales.
One of the things I keep hearing from my community (that’s you) is that:
- You are either burnt out from content creation–and desire a simpler way to create it AND have fun while doing it, and/or
- You are looking to create less content for your marketing–but make it way better, and/or
- You want to get better at sharing stories that relate to your audience and ideal clients.
This is why Alan Cohen and I have teamed up to bring you this high-touch event in Miami.
Here is what the immersive 2.5 day story schedule looks like:
We will facilitate 5 interactive story sessions over the course of this event. Most importantly, there will be blocks of time following each session for you to create your content and implement what you have learned. We know you don’t want to return home with a to-do list!
Thursday, April 25th (6p-8:30p)
- Session 1- Mining Your Everyday Life For Stories: We are opening our Story Immersion Experience with a Story Circle, wine and cheese reception, and a special guest. It’s an evening of new friendships, Mining Your Life For Stories, and collaboration.
Friday, April 26th (9a-5p)
- Session 2 — Storyboarding for Content Creation & Refining Your Origin Story (9a-11a): Discover a visual tool for laying out any form of content that will streamline your process and production–and ensure your central idea is communicated effectively. We will be workshopping your origin story. This session will be followed with time to work on your content–either alone or with new friends!
- Session 3 — Joyful Content Creation Frameworks & Quarterly Content Planning Made Easy (1:30p-3:30p): Discover how to create your content in less time, accelerate engagement and conversions, and plan out 90 days of content in advance. This session will be followed with time to work on your content–either alone or with new friends!
Saturday, April 27th (9a-5p; 7–8:30p)
- Session 4 — Story Scavenger Hunt & Photo to Story Workshop (9a-11a): After a story scavenger hunt in teams, you’ll come back to the session with fresh ideas for story content. It’s time to take the photos from your phone and turn them into money-making content! This session will be followed with time to work on your content–either alone or with new friends!
- Session 5 — Crafting Narratives That Create Buyers (1:30p-3:30p): It’s time to bring your stories to life with details and emotional cues that turn casual readers into enthusiastic buyers. In this workshop, we’ll go deep into the psychology behind storytelling and consumer behavior. This session will be followed with time to work on your content–either alone or with new friends!
- Closing Story Ceremony (7–8:30p ET): We will conclude this beautiful weekend with a memorable sharing ceremony that celebrates and highlights your event experience.
Well-crafted story is how you call in your community, grow your audience, build deeper relationships, and land more clients.
The end result?
You’ll have a sustainable business that uses STORY to create as much impact as it does income.
Join us for this not-so-typical event–an Immersive Story Experience in Miami!

Want to share more of your stories for impact, influence, and income?
There are 3 components to this resource:
- A list of 65 Curated Story Marketing Ideas to help you get your story into the world.
2. A Monthly Planning Template to help you organize the story prompts for more ease in your marketing.
3. A Story Organizer Tool to map out your talking points for each piece of story content.