Structure Your Freedom, Your Marketing, and Your Life


Let me start by reminding you: YOU CAN’T DO ALL THE THINGS WELL, SO QUIT TRYING.

I’m going to share a story with you today — this happened to me a couple weeks ago. Quite frankly, it upset me a lot.

I was having dinner with a friend, and she said: You need to up your Instagram marketing.

[Now if you know anything about what I teach and believe, the last thing to say to me is “need” and “marketing” in the same sentence.]

She sipped her water glass and continued: You call yourself a marketing expert, yet your Instagram is only your art and cooking.

At this point I had to take a deep breath and breathed in calm.

I replied: Instagram is my fun place. My marketing happens on Facebook, LinkedIn, and in my email list.

She said: Yeah, but you can’t call yourself a marketing professional if you don’t use Instagram. It’s where all the people are.

At this, I set my glass down (rather firmly) and said:

Look. I’m gonna keep it real with you. Years ago I decided to focus on one platform + email. That platform choice was/is Facebook. And over the past few years, I’ve made millions of dollars (without ads) by BEING LASER FOCUSED on my strategy there.

I went on: I don’t need Instagram for business, or TikTok or SnapChat, or Twitter, or ClubHouse, or Pinterest, or any other platform that pops up this week. (And may disappear the next.)

I have led the charge for coaches, consultants, and experts around the globe to embrace this:

We are over playing the game of DO MORE and do #allthethings in our marketing. This is what leads to exhaustion, burnout, and “keeping up with the Jones’”.

She looked at me, took a sip of wine (she switched LOL) and said: I admire that. I just feel like you might be losing business.

Ah-ha! There you have it folks. Scarcity mindset in action.

If you are doing things in business for FEAR OF LOSING (rather than the JOY OF CONTRIBUTING), you will never win.


You can’t do all the things (well) so quit trying. 💥

Wanna come learn how to do LESS marketing and MORE living?

Here are some of our upcoming events designed exactly to do that:

Not sure where to start? We’re here to help, just schedule a 20-minute call or email



M. Shannon Hernandez | Email Marketing Strategist
M. Shannon Hernandez | Email Marketing Strategist

Written by M. Shannon Hernandez | Email Marketing Strategist

Fractional CMO | Business Growth Consultant | Email Marketing Strategist | Author & Keynote Speaker | Founder & Angel Investor

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