12 things you can do in Q4 INSTEAD of planning for 2024

It’s a widely-held opinion that you should plan for the year ahead (a.k.a. NEXT year) now…but that always struck me as odd.

Why do we throw 3 whole months “out the window” and assume that the year is effectively done…in October? Or November? Or December?

In our company, we don’t plan for next year until…


I KNOW. Crazy, right?!

Here’s a list of things that you could be doing INSTEAD of planning (IMHO) way too far ahead:

[1] Declutter your workday. Focus on spending at least half of your time doing what creates the best return for your business (and your sanity). While some things may not get done, in time you won’t care because you’ll be operating out of a place of JOY.

[2] Schedule intentional vacations and/or rest periods on your calendar. As a consultant who puts her WHOLE heart into her biz (and her clients), I know firsthand what happens if you don’t prioritize YOU. Take the time to schedule a vacation or period of rest at least once a month, if not once a quarter to make sure that you are investing in your most important asset (that’s YOU!).

[3] Dive DEEP into your Content Personality® and practice sharing some incredible thought leader content with your audience that is JOYFUL to create.

[4] Review your team’s roles & responsibilities. This is something that we at Joyful Business Revolution™ do each and every quarter, without fail. Keeping close tabs on what is working well, what is burning people out, and what needs to shift is a real game changer (and a not-so-secret way to keep an incredible team happy).

[5] Do a client success check in. Look back at who you’ve helped this year and hatch a plan to keep in touch with them — ask for a testimonial, schedule a check in call, or simply send them a quick note to let them know that you’re thinking of them. Great clients will bring you MORE great clients — but only if you stay top of mind.

[6] Review your products and services. Take some time to review the programs, products, and services that you’ve sold over the past year (or two). What’s your biggest seller? What program do you absolutely LOVE fulfilling? Which programs could you combine or remove to make room for new offers?

[7] Send out (snail mail) love notes — to your team, your friends, your family.

[8] Create a 2023 memory book or folder — either online or in a physical memory book. Draw, doodle, paint, and write out what you loved about this year, your accomplishments, things you want to spend more time on, etc.

[9] Read a good book. Whether it’s a book that’s business-focused and/or a fictitious read, give your brain a break and dive into the words.

[10] Catch up on your favorite podcasts. Whether it’s been awhile and you need a refresher, or you just discovered a new binge-worthy listen, spend some time listening, taking notes, or walking a favorite trail.

[11] Find a service project that excites or interests you. This time of year, there are lots of ways to give back.

[12] Spend days off taking care of you. Schedule a massage. Take a bath. Go on a walk (or a run). Get acupuncture. Go float. Invite a friend (or friends) out for dinner. Go see a movie. Or a show. Recharge.

And when you’ve reached the bottom of this list…

Please go grab your FREE ticket for Inspired Beyond Belief!

This business- and life-changing planning event is happening on January 2nd and 3rd, 2024.

And when you join us, you will…

Find a safe space where you can dream and tap into your intuition — which is the first step to honoring your personal truth.

Connect with the Soul of your business — which helps you experience deep clarity for the year ahead.

Reconnect with your deepest desires and lifestyle values — which is the foundation for a business and life vision that overflows with abundance and joy.

Design a visual representation that captures who you want to BE in 2024 — which you can place on your desk altar as a daily reminder.

Create a meaningful income goal and map out what you need to do to reach that goal — which will support your wealth mindset and be a reminder for you during the entire year.

Expand your mindset while in community with other like-minded and like-hearted coaches and consultants — which is always inspirational and motivating.

We can’t wait to dream and receive with you!

Hop on over and grab your FREE Inspired Beyond Belief ticket — and please invite a few friends to join you!

M. Shannon Hernandez | Email Marketing Strategist

Fractional CMO | Business Growth Consultant | Email Marketing Strategist | Author & Keynote Speaker | Founder & Angel Investor